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Her Dominant SEAL (Midnight Delta Book 9) Page 8
Her Dominant SEAL (Midnight Delta Book 9) Read online
Page 8
“You’re the best sister in the world.”
“I know.”
“I don’t wanna go!” Bella repeated mutinously as she wriggled in her mother’s arms.
“That’s too bad. You’re going,” Trenda told her daughter.
Drake picked up the plate. “Where are your bags?”
“In the hallway.”
“Let’s transfer the car seat into my rental, and leave your car here. They don’t know what my rental looks like,” Drake explained.
“Where are we going?” Trenda asked.
“A friend of Evie’s has given us a chalet to use until all of this shit dies down.”
“You used a bad word,” Bella pointed at him.
At last, she didn’t seem afraid of him. “I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you a quarter every time I use a bad word. That way maybe I’ll stop saying them.”
Trenda bent down and whispered in her daughter’s ear.
Bella looked at him and said, “a dollar.”
Drake laughed. “Only if you call me by my name. What’s my name?”
Bella squirmed and looked up at her mother. Trenda gave Bella a reassuring nod. “Uncle Dwake.”
“Okay. Every time I say a swear, I owe you a dollar. It’s a deal.”
Her eyebrows narrowed. Then she held out her hand. Drake laughed again. He got out his wallet and gave the baby a dollar. He was in love.
Chapter Six
Evie, Aiden, and Piper were in front of the TV watching a chick flick and eating popcorn when he, Bella, and Trenda arrived. He smelled something heavenly wafting from the kitchen.
Bella cringed as soon as she saw Aiden and no amount of Irish charm seemed to help. All three of the Avery sisters expected it and hustled her into the kitchen.
“Do you know what’s up?” Aiden asked.
“Yeah, it’s my damned dad. He showed up and ransacked their house a few days ago. Apparently really tore it up in front of her. Scared the hell out of the little girl. Plus, she’s not used to men.”
“So, the father’s out of the picture?”
“Never was in the picture.”
“How is she coping with you?”
“I have to bribe her with dollars every time I swear. Kid seems to respond to cash.”
“Well who doesn’t.” Aiden laughed. “I hear I’m supposed to go pick up a kindergarten teacher?” he asked.
“Not tonight, but some night yeah. Only because we don’t have enough estrogen going on.”
“She’s tutoring Piper in calculus. Unless you can? Because I’m in over my head.”
“Nope, I can help on Shakespeare, but give me anything other than geometry, and I’m out of my league.”
“All of my sisters are smarter than me.”
“I heard that load of bullshit, Drake,” Trenda shouted from the kitchen. “If I hear you putting yourself down again, I’ll box your ears.”
“She sounds ferocious.” Aiden grinned in appreciation. Drake didn’t like his expression.
“Let’s be real clear, if the woman has the last name of Avery, she is off limits.”
“I heard that, Drake,” Evie shouted from the kitchen. She sauntered into the living room. “Don’t try to dictate my personal life. I’m not above hanging you upside down from a pole and playing tether ball with your nuts.”
Both men winced.
“I think you’ve just convinced Aiden why he won’t want to get involved with you,” Drake said wryly.
“If I cared to, I think I could give him enough reasons to get involved.” Evie threw him a saucy grin, then she walked back toward the kitchen.
Drake lowered his voice and looked at Aiden. “Off limits.”
“So maybe the kindergarten teacher will be more to my liking,” Aiden said with a grin.
“No,” Drake said instinctively. “She’s off limits too.”
Where the hell had that come from?
“So basically, all of Jasper Creek is off limits, is that the deal?”
“Yeah. Why don’t we just stick with that.” Drake nodded.
Aiden shook his head. “You can stick your head in the sand all you want to Avery, but those women will do whatever the hell they want to.”
That’s what Drake was afraid of.
It was still dark when almost everyone was at the breakfast table the next morning. Piper had volunteered to feed Bella in the kitchen.
“I recognize that face. You plan to do something stupid,” Evie said pointing her fork at Drake.
Aiden laughed. “She’s kind of right, you do have a stupid look on your face.”
Drake scowled at them.
“I keep wondering why they haven’t shown up at your work,” Drake said. “Why were they camped outside Trenda’s house, but not your house? Your work?” he asked Evie.
“I thought you knew. I live at the hotel where I work. It’s allowed me to-” She stopped short.
“It’s allowed you to what?” Drake demanded.
“Keep up on my hobbies. Just never you mind.” Evie glared at her brother.
“I want to know,” Drake glared back.
“Drake you need to stay on point,” Aiden’s voice was gentle, but there was no mistaking the steel underneath. He turned to Evie. “Why do you think none of your dad’s prison buddies have come to visit you at the hotel?”
Evie and Trenda laughed.
Aiden raised his eyebrow. “Care to share with the class?”
“Jim and Blake. I know you think SEALs are all that,” Evie said. “But Jim’s a former Army Ranger. He and Blake have been together for over ten years. They own the place. Blake is no slouch either, he’s a former marine. I’m just here at night to be with my sisters, not because I think the hotel isn’t safe. Trust me, my room is two doors down from the guys. I’m safe.” Evie grinned.
“But Dad wouldn’t know about them?”
“The sheriff sure as hell would,” Evie said. “The few times there have been problems at the Inn, Jim has taken care of it first, then called the law.”
Well, that explained why Evie hadn’t been targeted. Trenda got up from the table and picked up her plate and Evie’s. When she went to pick up Aiden’s he stopped her. “I’ve got it. Let me help you with the clean-up.”
Trenda smiled. “Thanks.”
Drake’s cell phone rang. Well, it had lasted longer than he’d thought. He grabbed it out of his pocket expecting to see one of his teammate’s numbers, surprised and happy to see it was Karen Eastman.
“My alarm system just went off. When I called the sheriff’s office, they said it’d be forty-five minutes before they could be here.”
“Karen, Give me your address.” He said her name so the people at the table would know who he was talking to. Then Drake was out of his chair and grabbing his coat, thankful he was already wearing his gun and holster.
“Seventeen Brookhollow. I’m between you and town. It could be nothing.”
“Do you own a gun?” he asked as he ran towards the front door.
“Is there a lock on your bathroom?” He was already in his SUV.
“Go into your bathroom, lock the door. Grab some hairspray. You can spray the assailant in the eyes if he gets in. I’ll be there shortly, stay on the line with me.” The gates opened, he didn’t know who he had to thank, Evie or Aiden. He had to stop for a moment before his vehicle would be safe to clear, which allowed him to program the address into the GPS. As soon as he could, he started driving.
“Karen, are you in the bathroom?”
“I’m getting my clothes.”
“There’s no time!”
“I sleep naked! There’s no way I’m facing an intruder, or you for that matter, without a bra.” He heard a door slam. “I’m in the bathroom, the door’s locked.” He heard her shudder.
“It’s probably nothing.”
Damn the roads were icy. He lost traction, and the phone slammed onto the floorboard of the passenger seat.
“Karen! Are you still there?”
“Yes,” she sounded a million miles away.
Thank God the GPS had come standard with the SUV. Who knew that the screw-up at the rental place would end up being a good thing? At the bottom of the hill he took a fast right, the vehicle skidded, but he kept it on the road.
“I hear something.”
“I’m two miles away,” he assured her.
“I’m going to stay quiet.”
Dammit, she was whispering, he could barely hear her. He took another turn and was on Brookhollow. There were big trees down a narrow road. Oh for God’s sake, the lots were at least an acre a piece. Why couldn’t they be like they were in San Diego, where everybody lived on top of everybody else?
“Karen!” No answer.
“Goddammit Karen answer me.”
He passed the mailboxes. Finally, he was up to nine, then eleven, then thirteen. He couldn’t go roaring in. He had to see what he was up against. He shoved the car into park amongst the trees and flung open the door. He could see his breath in the early morning air.
The houses were far from the street. He faded into the trees and jogged silently toward the back of the property heading right to Karen’s house. He saw her red truck in the driveway and near the road was a beat to shit Chevy truck without plates.
Drake did a quick sweep of the front of the house and saw that the front door and windows were intact. With the cover of the trees, he continued around to the back of the house, and that’s where he saw the point of entry. The basement window was open. He ran across the yard, and went in the same way, wanting to come up behind whoever was inside.
As soon as he dropped down to the basement floor, he heard a woman’s scream. He was through the basement door and up the stairs before the scream stopped.
“Answer the question, bitch!”
“I don’t know where Piper is.”
“Wrong answer.”
Drake heard the sound of flesh hitting flesh and Karen moaned.
It was dark in the hall, but he saw the gray hoodie of the man who was standing in a doorway. He hit him on the side of the head, and he went down in a heap. He had his gun out and ready when he went around the corner to the bathroom. He saw another man in a black sweatshirt backhand Karen. Drake shot him and caught Karen before she hit the floor.
She grabbed at his shirt.
“I knew you’d come,” she whispered hoarsely.
“Oh, Baby.” Her cheek was swollen. She was still in her robe, and was trying to grab it closed, but he could see where she had bruises on her ribs and breast.
“Honey, I need to get you to the hospital.”
“No. I’m all right,” she said as she clutched at his shoulder with her free hand.
“Honey, you need care.”
They both looked up as they heard a siren in the distance.
“If it’s the sheriff you need to leave,” she said.
“Fuck that. Let’s get you dressed.”
“I never had time to get my clothes on,” she said as her face crumpled. “They saw me and laughed.”
“No baby, they couldn’t have,” he assured her, his eyes dark with emotion.
He needed to get her out of the close confines of the bathroom. “Come on, Honey.” He helped her over the human garbage on the floor, kicking the man as he walked by.
The siren sounded closer. As soon as they were in the hallway, he was able to turn sideways and pick her up.
He saw a tear trickle down her face, and it gutted him.
“You’re always carrying me,” she mumbled. “Ow, it hurts to talk.”
“Then you shouldn’t talk,” he admonished. “Which way?”
More tears fell. Her left hand pressed against her chest, but he couldn’t tell if it was to cover her nudity or because she hurt. Dammit.
“How bad are you hurting?” he asked.
“I’m fine,” she assured him. “I just need to get dressed.” She waved him to the end of the hall, and he saw the soft peach light. He pushed open the door and put her down on the pretty yellow comforter.
The siren was right outside.
First things first.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
She covered her face with her hands and really started to cry.
“Don’t say that,” she stuttered, “they called me names.”
He’d kill them.
He gently pulled her hands down so he could look into her eyes.
“Beautiful, absolutely beautiful.”
She shook her head, but her crying lessened.
“Sweetheart, listen to me. Already, Karen, you’ve managed to blow others out of the water. I don’t think after being pawed by those animals you’re up for hearing your attributes, but trust me, Baby, you got ‘em in spades.”
“Drake, you don’t have to say this.” She hiccupped.
He ground his teeth and blew out a frustrated breath. “You need to hear me. You’re hitting all my cylinders. Pressing all my buttons. I actually hummed Hot For Teacher.”
She snorted out a laugh.
“Now I know you’re lying.”
He put a hand over his heart and held up three fingers. “Scout’s Honor. A Victoria Secret model could walk in the door, and I’d still be drooling over you.”
“You’re insane.” He might be insane. But he was telling the truth, and there was a glimmer of a smile on her face.
“Now, I gotta go out and see the, sheriff and I’m going to kick the other asshat in the hallway outside your bathroom.”
He stood up and kissed the top of her head. “Will you be all right if I go talk to them?”
She nodded.
“You don’t come out until you’re ready. I’m having them send an ambulance.”
“I don’t need one.”
“Yes. Yes, you do. You need to go to the hospital.”
She grabbed his hand. “No. No, I don’t.”
Suddenly he was hearing the voice of a teacher, well two could play that game.
“If the EMT’s clear you, then you don’t have to go to the hospital. But if they don’t, you’re going. Are we clear?” She sat up a little straighter.
“Do I need to salute?” All trace of the tears were gone, and there was a hint of a sparkle in her eyes.
“I’m not an officer, I work for a living,” he teased.
She gave his hand a squeeze. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Honey.”
The deputy was some kid fresh out of training and had no idea who Drake was. In true Jasper Creek fashion, he had been impressed with how he’d handled everything. He’d taken his and Karen’s statement and supervised the bad guy's transport to the hospital.
Drake recognized one of them from his family home. He had been the one who had been with tattoo boy, but the guy he shot was new. Just how many fucking bastards did his dad have on tap? He didn’t tell the deputy that he knew the one guy. The report was just going to end up in the sheriff’s hands anyway, and what good would that do him?
Drake figured it would be later in the day when the deputy’s report hit Delmar’s desk, and the shit would hit the fan. That’s when the sheriff would come visiting Karen’s house. Drake called Aiden and let him know what had gone on, and made further plans. Then he asked to talk to Evie so she could set up a room for Karen. He was finishing up with the call when he noticed the EMT’s weren’t loading Karen into the ambulance. He went over to find out what the hell was going on.
The man and woman were packing up the truck, and Karen was standing beside it ready to walk into the house.
“Why the hell aren’t you taking her to the hospital?”
“She signed the waiver,” the woman said.
He spun around and glared at Karen. “Why in the hell would you do a foolish th
ing like that?”
“I told you I was fine.”
“Is she fine?”
“She can walk, it’s her decision.” The woman slammed the door of the truck shut and went to the front of the vehicle.
“You are the most stubborn woman I’ve ever met, and considering my teammate's women and my sisters, that’s saying something.”
“We don’t have time for me to go to the hospital,” she said as she walked past him towards her house. She was stiff as she walked.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m going to work,” she said.
His phone rang, he ignored it.
“The only place you’re going is to the chalet with me,” Drake said as he caught up with her. He automatically opened the door and guided her over the threshold.
She smiled up at him. “I like your manners.”
“Fuck my manners. You’re not going to school. Get your ass into the bedroom and get ready to go to the chalet. You need warm, comfortable clothes, like sweats.” She had insisted on wearing jeans and a prim schoolteacher blouse for the police’s arrival. She stared at him. “Are you listening?”
“I’m listening,” she said. Then she went to her bedroom.
Drake listened to his message, it was Clint, asking if he needed any help with the situation in Tennessee. Well, at least he had waited over seventy-two hours, Drake grinned. It was a record. He figured his teammate Finn would be next.
The bedroom door opened, and Drake growled as he took in Karen’s outfit. The woman was actually wearing some kind of pretty pantsuit when she should be in pajamas or sweats.
Drake jumped off the couch. “I thought you said you were listening.”
“I heard every word you said. I didn’t say I agreed with it.”
“Goddammit, you’re not thinking of teaching class, are you?”
“It’s eight o’clock. School starts at nine. I really thought it was later, but I can still make it. It’s too late to ask for a substitute.”
He strode over, looked down at her, and tried to use his size to intimidate her. “Too damn bad. They’ll have to figure something out.”
“Drake,” she drawled out his name, and he knew he was in trouble. “I’m not one of your sisters. I can think for myself.”
“Honey, you’re out of your mind if you don’t think they think for themselves. They tell me to go to hell on a regular basis. But they also know when I’m right.” He put his arm around her shoulders. “Will you let me show you something?”