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A SEAL's Vigilant Heart (Midnight Delta Book 8) Page 7
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“Mason?” Sophia yawned softly. “You’re thinking too hard. Hold me and sleep with me.” He smiled and kissed her swollen lips.
“You’re right.” He shifted down on the pillows, pulled her closer, and let his eyes drift shut. Just four, scratch that, three more days, and she would be his forever.
Chapter Eight
“Breakfast in bed? I must have really scared the hell out of you last night,” she said in a teasing tone.
“You did,” Mason said as he set the tray on her lap and fluffed one of his pillows behind her head. “More than that, you made me ache for you. Now eat up, then we’ll talk.”
Sophia looked down and saw he’d made her French toast, and he’d picked a lily out of their yard and put it in a vase. The man was always making her feel special. “There’s too much food you’re going to have to share.”
He grinned.
“I think you planned that.”
“Maybe.” His smile got bigger. Then she noticed the second fork and she laughed.
“You’re a good cook, Gault,” she complimented.
“Thanks.” He set down his fork.
“I’m not done,” Sophia protested as he took her fork out of her hand.
“You stopped eating five minutes ago. You just want to avoid talking,” he said as he took the tray off her lap and set it on their dresser. He came back and bracketed her with his arms and looked into her eyes.
“You were a good daughter. Your mother told you so.”
Sophia let out a sigh. “I feel better knowing she thought so. But–”
“But what.” Mason tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.
“But I still don’t feel it in my heart. I should have done better.”
“Can you do me a favor?”
“What?” she asked cautiously.
“Close your eyes.” He waited until she did.
“Can you imagine yourself sick? Out of your mind with pain?” She grabbed his hands, hard. “Day in and day out the pain gets worse, and you can’t take care of yourself. The only person you have to depend on is Billy.” Sophia gasped. She could see it so clearly.
“Tell me. Tell me what you see,” Mason asked.
“Poor Billy. He hurts so much. I see him so sad such suffering.”
“You mean you?”
“No, Billy. I ache for him. He hates to see me like this. I feel so bad for him.”
“But what about you?” Mason persisted.
“I don’t care. I so appreciate him, and I hate to see him so sad.”
“But aren’t you mad when he yells at you?”
“Of course not! This is too much to ask,” Sophia said vehemently. Her eyes popped open. She met Mason’s soft gaze which was filled with understanding.
“You were in one of the worst situations imaginable. That’s why they arrange for people to have days off, relief workers who can come in and take over for a while so the primary caregivers can take a break.”
“I still took breaks when I shouldn’t have, and I still lost my temper.”
“Sophia, this guilt has been with you a long time. I think you might need some help seeing things clearly. Remember when you were having trouble after the attack?”
“You think I need counseling for this?” Sophia thought about the woman who had helped her before. She’d had a great deal of insight and Sophia had felt really comfortable talking to her.
“Maybe you’re right, Mason. I can’t seem to get over this by myself. But God, you helped so much. Pretending this was Billy and I really helped.”
“I’m glad. There is something else that might make you feel better. You have the opportunity to kick my ass for being a dumb shit.” She tilted her head.
“Seriously, Soph, I fucked up. I assumed.”
“I thought we’ve covered this before.” She stroked his arm. He seemed to be feeling real badly.
“Just know I was trying to protect you.”
“Dammit, Mason.” She pushed up from the pillows. “I thought we got past that too. I’m a big girl. If I need your protection, I’ll ask for it.”
“You’ve got to admit, you’ve been twisted up lately. You’ve been having nightmares, and you haven’t been eating. It all happened when I came back from the last mission with my shoulder wound.”
“Yeah, because of this unresolved stuff with Mom.”
“I know that now.”
“Okay, so you assumed it was about your injury. It’s not a big deal, but something sure as hell is. Spill it.”
“I decided to take a desk job.” She shoved at his chest. He didn’t budge it was like pushing at a wall which just made her angrier.
“You decided to take a fucking desk job. Without talking to me? All because you thought I was upset? Mason, I can’t believe this. You love leading your team. When did you make this decision? Have you talked to Osterman? Have you talked to your team? Am I the last one to know?” She kicked out from under the covers and stood up so she could stand over him. He bowed his head.
“No, yes, and no.”
“God dammit!” She spun around and slapped her hand against the wall. Then she turned back so she stood over him again. “I’m so mad at you. Even if I was scared about your job, it was for us to talk over. This wasn’t something for you to make a unilateral decision.”
“Sophia, you know you would never ask me to stop leading the team even if it was tearing you apart. You’d just waste away.”
“You’re not giving me credit for being an adult.”
“Yes, I am. I’m giving you credit for being the most caring and loving and compassionate woman I have ever met.”
“Apparently a compassionate airhead,” she growled.
“I’m so sorry. What can I say? I fucked up. It was an epic fuck up, and I have learned my lesson.” Mason was still on the bed, looking at her, wearing his heart on his sleeve.
“Do you know how important this is to me? Can you understand this Mason? I have to trust you to be honest with me. I can’t go into a marriage with someone who doesn’t think I’m an equal.” She turned away, and he reached out and gently grabbed her around her waist.
“Please, baby. You’re not just my equal you’re my everything. I would be lost without you.”
Sophia stood still.
“I sometimes forget just because you are so loving, underneath you’re the one who has kept your family together. You’re the strong one. But please know it’s a knee-jerk reaction for me to protect everyone not just you.” She thought about him with his team and realized it was his nature, and she turned in his arms.
“Mason, this is serious. You can’t do this again.”
“I promise, I won’t. I will talk to you about all things that impact our family.”
“On your honor?”
“On my honor.”
“I’m mad at you, but I love you. That hasn’t changed.”
“Thank fuck. So the wedding’s still on?” he asked.
“Please tell me you didn’t just assume we weren’t getting married because of a fight.”
“I immediately clarified, I get points for that, don’t I?”
“Yes, Mason, you get points for that.” She sighed.
Thank God for Linnie Gault. Sophia looked around the hotel suite, and it could easily have been pandemonium. Instead, her soon-to-be mother-in-law had everything running smoothly. All of the bridesmaids were dressed, and Ashley was supervising the two women who were doing their hair and make-up. Sophia had protested at the expense, but Ashley had insisted this was her wedding present.
Every one of the women looked like a model. They were getting pictures of one another. All but Sophia. She was still in a robe. Linnie had insisted she be the last one dressed. She was confused because her dress was the most complicated to put on, but she trusted the woman. She definitely had been right about everything else.
“Are you doing all right?” Frannie asked.
“I’m perfect. I couldn’t be h
appier.” Frannie grinned.
“I never understood women being nervous on their wedding day. I was so excited to marry my Tony. I figured it would be the same for you. Today is going to be perfect.”
Sophia smiled. It would have been perfect if her mom could have been there, but she remembered what she said in the letter, and she tried to keep that in her heart.
“Sophia, I have your something new for you.” Lydia handed her a box. She let out a loud laugh. Inside was a garter that said ‘Hooyah.'
“Oh my God! This is wonderful. I love it.”
“Not as much as Mason will,” Beth said.
“Here’s your blue.” Margie gave the hairstylist blue pearl pins that she placed in her hair.
“Can I give you the something borrowed?” Rebecca asked shyly.
“I would be honored.”
Rebecca took off her charm bracelet and put it on Sophia’s wrist. “Billy gave this to me. The apple is because I taught him algebra.”
Sophia hugged the young girl.
“Thank you.”
“Now she needs something old,” Margie said.
“Yes, she does.” Linnie looked around the room. “You’ll have to go into the sitting room for a bit. Sophia needs some privacy.”
“I do?”
“You do, sweetheart.”
Everyone filed out of the room. Linnie was last. She gave Sophia a warm hug. “I’ll be back to help you into your gown as soon as you’re done.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You will.”
The door closed. Sophia went over to the window. She could see the gazebo where they were going to say their vows. She still teared up at the thought of Tony DeLuca giving her away. He had asked for the honor after Frannie had told him Sophia wouldn’t be inviting her father to the wedding.
The air shifted and she knew Mason was behind her.
She turned and gasped. He was resplendent in his dress whites.
“Isn’t this bad luck?” she whispered.
“No, you’re not in your dress yet Mom made sure.”
“Why are you here?”
“I have your something old. Turn around.”
She watched as he carefully placed a familiar locket around her neck. Her vision blurred. He stroked her nape as he hooked the clasp. He came around to stand in front of her, she was holding the heart in her trembling hand.
“How’d you know?”
“I found it from the jewelry box when I cleaned up that night.” He traced her jaw. “Are you going to be okay?”
“I can’t get it open.”
“Let me help.” He flipped the latch.
“Oh my God, it has another plate. It used to only have pictures of Billy and me, now it has another plate with Mom’s picture too. How’d you do that?” She looked up at her own special miracle worker.
“I wanted you to have your mother here at your wedding, so I went and had a jeweler install another section with her picture.” Sophia launched herself into his waiting arms.
“Every day I fall more in love with you.”
“Ahhh, Sophia, that’s only fair. Every single day you bring more joy into my life than one man deserves.”
A knock sounded and after a long pause Linnie Gault peeked in. “Time to get this show on the road.”
Linnie must have told them about the locket because nobody asked about it. If they had, Sophia would have burst into tears. Instead, all of the women came back into the room and swarmed her like worker bees to the Queen.
“Sophia, this dress looks so much better in person. You look like a princess.” Linnie wiped a tear away. Luckily it was a corset dress, so even though she’d lost a few pounds, they were able to adjust the dress. The white strapless gown shimmered against her golden skin. Finally, Linnie found her voice again.
“We have fifteen minutes people,” Linnie said.
“That’s bull, everyone knows they’ll wait for the bride.” Ashley quipped.
“We are not making my son wait for his bride.” Linnie gave Sophia a wink.
“And I’m not waiting a minute longer than necessary to get married.”
“You’re just anxious for the honeymoon. I think it’s awesome you’ve waited two years to consummate the marriage,” Ashley teased.
“We are not talking about sex in front of the underage girls,” Frannie said pointing to Rebecca and Louisa. Both girls were on the floor, Rebecca was trying to convince Louisa not to take off her shoes.
“Well, I’m off the market for a while.” Ashley gave a dramatic sigh.
“Who’s the lucky man?” Sophia hoped it wasn’t Finn. She loved Ashley, but right now she wasn’t someone she wanted any of Mason’s teammates to get tangled up with.
“It is possible, just maybe, perhaps, someone kicked my ass and gave me a ‘Come to Jesus Talk.'” Ashley pouted.
“Drake,” Beth, Lydia and Sophia all said in unison.
“He was right. It’s time I pulled my head out of my ass.”
“Language,” Linnie admonished.
“Pulled my head out of my derriere and acted like a twenty-seven-year-old mom. I needed to stop letting your dad’s treatment rule my life.”
“Ah sweetie, I’m so happy for you. It took me a hell of a lot longer to come to that realization.” Sophia gave Ashley a hug.
“Okay, it’s time for you beautiful girls to line up. Louisa, are you ready to grab your basket?” Linnie asked.
“Easter Basket!” Louisa squealed.
Ashley knelt down in front of her daughter. “You get the chocolate after the wedding, remember? First, you have to throw the rose petals. Uncle Drake has chocolate waiting for you up front after your sister Sophia says her words.”
“Okay. Chocolate.” Louisa smiled at her mom.
Everyone headed out, with Linnie and Sophia bringing up the rear.
“I believe in angels, Sophia, and I know with all my heart your mother is looking down on you today.”
Sophia grasped her locket.
“I feel like I have a piece of her here now because of Mason.”
Mason had told himself to commit everything to memory. This day was the most important of his life. He watched as every woman walked down the aisle, and they were gorgeous. First came Louisa, throwing petals like they were baseballs, causing everybody to laugh at her antics. Then Rebecca, a girl just beginning to blossom into womanhood, and then Margie, a woman who sparkled with excitement without a ruffle in sight. But just a small portion of his brain was occupied with those thoughts, the rest was focused on the French doors at the back of the hotel.
The wedding march started, and everybody stood up. Drake elbowed him, but he never even glanced his way. His eyes stayed steady on his prize. And there she was. It was like a punch to the gut.
“Steady,” Drake whispered.
Mason blew out a long breath and tried to maintain his composure but not sure he could. My God, she looks like a dream. My dream.
He’d never seen anything close to her beauty. She was a vision flowing down the aisle towards him. One that would forever be etched in his memory. Her eyes caught his, and her smile was sheer radiance. Every other person fell away. It was just the two of them.
“Turn around,” Drake whispered. It took a moment for the words to sink in. Mason had Sophia’s cheek cupped, and she nuzzled closer. Her eyes opened, covered with a sheen of happy tears, and he bent to savor one last kiss before they joined in front of man and God. He caressed his hand down her tiny waist and gently turned her so they could be wed.
They shared their solemn vows, his voice heard by the crowd. Her voice heard just by him and the Reverend. Then he was kissing her again, his head spinning as he finally, finally held his dream come true. His wife.
“My Mason. My Love. My Husband.”
“I love you, Sophia Gault. You are my everything.”
Caitlyn O'Leary is
an avid reader and considers herself a fan first and an author second. She reads a wide variety of genres but finds herself going back to happily-ever-afters. Getting a chance to write, after years in corporate America, is a dream come true. She hopes her stories provide the kind of entertainment and escape she has found from some of her favorite authors.
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Books by Caitlyn O’Leary
The Found Series
Revealed, Book One
Forsaken, Book Two
Healed, Book Three
Beloved, Book Four (Fall 2016)
Midnight Delta Series
Her Vigilant SEAL, Book One
Her Loyal SEAL, Book Two
Her Adoring SEAL, Book Three
SEALed with a Kiss, A Midnight Delta Novella, Book Four
Her Daring SEAL, Book Five
Her Fierce SEAL, Book Six
A SEAL’s Vigilant Heart, A Midnight Delta Novella, Book Seven
Fate Harbor Series Published by Siren/Bookstrand
Trusting Chance, Book One
Protecting Olivia, Book Two
Claiming Kara, Book Three
Isabella’s Submission, Book Four
Cherishing Brianna, Book Five