A SEAL's Vigilant Heart (Midnight Delta Book 8) Page 4
“Drake, are you making snide comments about how we look?” Lydia walked up to the man and shoved her finger into his chest.
“Fuck no, are you kidding? Lydia, Beth, and Sophia look hawt.” He turned to Ashley. “You’re a fucking menace. These three have always looked great, but you’ve turned up the dial to ten. If I were to take pictures of them right now, their men would be here so fast it would make y’alls head spin.” Ashley buffed her fingernails against the thin material of her blouse.
“I did good.”
“Too good. Which is why I’m here.”
“Jack sent you? He was worried about what I’d do?” Sophia loved seeing Beth start to build up a head of steam. It didn’t happen often but when it did it was a beautiful thing. “I’ve never given that man one damn thing to worry about.”
Drake held up his hands and backed up a step. “Whoa. This is totally my idea. Mason was worried so I–”
“Mason was worried?!” Sophia took up where Beth left off. “How dare he? I’m with Beth, I’ve never given him any reason to think I’d do anything to betray him.” She struggled with the tiny purse Ashley had given her so she could call Mason.
A shrill whistle rang out.
“Ladies, your men totally know you’re one hundred percent faithful to them. They worry about your safety. They think Ashley is a little bit crazy.” Sophia stopped fumbling with the purse. She had to agree with that assessment, Ashley was a little bit out there.
“They have no idea I’m here right now. This was all my idea, and it was a brilliant one.” Lydia snorted, and Beth giggled. “Now get your beautiful tushies into the limo and allow me to chauffeur and protect you around town.” He opened the door for them. “Where are we headed?”
“The Gaslamp Quarter,” Ashley promptly responded.
“Figures. You know the limo won’t work down there, we’ll have to park and walk.” Drake griped.
“Oh, is it too much for the big bad SEAL?”
“Again, get your butts in the car. I like walking.”
“Drake, you’re one of a kind,” Ashley said kissing his cheek as she got into the back of the vehicle.
Served him right, Sophia thought as she sipped the pineapple flavored martini. Drake had promised to support them in their endeavors, and Ashley decided to take him up on it. The girl was literally dancing on top of the bar. How she’d known about this place, Sophia didn’t know. They’d left the relative safety of downtown San Diego and were now in a less well-known area.
She took another sip of her drink.
“I think it was a twenty dollar bill!” Beth exclaimed. Sophia squinted and nodded. Yep, the man had actually thrown a twenty at Ashley as she danced. She wasn’t the only one on the bar top, but she was the only one in a dress. All the rest of the girls were wearing jeans. Her panties were clearly visible. Thank God she wasn’t wearing a thong.
Drake pulled another man away from the bar who tried to touch Ashley.
“Sophia, how many martinis have you had to drink?” Lydia asked.
“I don’t know? They aren’t really strong. Mostly pineapple juice,” she yelled above the music.
Lydia pulled the drink out of her hand and took a sip. “You’re cut off, girlfriend. I’m going to go get you a bottle of water. Beth, keep an eye on her.”
Sophia watched as Drake pulled yet another man away from the bar. He had thrown a bunch of bills at Ashley. Ashley was making a shooing motion at Drake, who was beginning to look a little harassed. It was clear he was regretting his promise to support their antics tonight.
Sophia felt a man’s hand sweep up her waist, and she let out a cry. Sophia tried to elbow the man but missed. She was feeling too muzzy headed. She saw Drake look up, and his face darkened. Drake started making his way over to them, but he was too far away.
“Asshole. Keep your hands to yourself.” Beth’s arm shot out, and Sophia heard a grunt behind her. Lydia was beside her sister in a heartbeat and had Sophia wrapped in her arms. Beth was now standing over a man.
“Get up, I dare you,” Beth growled at the man.
“Bitch!” A redhead came up from behind Beth and pulled her hair. “That’s my boyfriend!”
“Well, he should have kept his hands to himself.” The woman swung wildly, and Beth ducked. The woman hit a man who was standing behind Beth.
“What?” He looked confused and turned to the man next to him and shoved him. Then all hell seemed to break loose. Sophia watched in awe as another man pushed against Beth, and Lydia grabbed him and threw him to the floor. But then she was elbowed, and her head jerked back.
“You bastard, you hit my sister,” Beth cried. This time, Sophia was able to see the straight arm shot to the throat she must have performed on the man who had originally touched her. It was amazing and, this man too fell to the floor.
Lydia got a punch into his ribs on his way down. It was a beautiful sight to behold.
“Dammit! Cease and Desist! The next man or woman who comes next to these three dies!” Drake Avery roared. All movement close to them stopped. It was like they were in a little bubble of peace and quiet while mayhem surrounded them in the honky-tonk.
“What about Ashley?” Beth asked.
“Follow me.” He pulled Sophia in front of him and had Lydia and Beth take hold of his shirt. Stay close.” Every few feet he would stop and punch or elbow someone who got too close. Sophia saw one of the two Lydia’s throw a punch as well. Maybe there had been alcohol in her pineapple juice since she kept seeing double.
Ashley was still dancing on the bar while the fighting was going on at floor level. Drake strode across the club like a hot knife through butter. Sophia heard the faint sounds of sirens.
Two men were trying to climb up on the bar. Drake set Sophia aside, grabbed both of them by the back of their necks, and sent them flying backward.
“Ashley Richmond, get down immediately.” Ashley stopped mid-shimmy and assessed Drake. Then she wound her arms over her head, cocked her hip, and twirled.
Drake was a tall man, he leaned over the bar, grabbed her around the back of her knees and had her over his shoulder in one smooth move.
“You bastard,” she shrieked. Sophia looked at Beth and Lydia and knew she wore a similar expression of shocked amusement. Ashley had definitely met her match. They followed the two out of the bar, and the sirens got louder, it was definitely fun to watch Drake try to subdue the pretty blonde without doing damage.
“Ashley, the cops will be here any moment,” Drake said desperately. “Would you quit acting like a spoiled three-year-old having a tantrum?” Ashley wiggled harder to get out of his arms.
“Quit manhandling me you big oaf.”
“We’re so going to jail.” One of the two Lydia’s yelled over the fighting.
They made it outside to the limo as the cops arrived. Drake poured Ashley inside the vehicle while Beth and Lydia helped Sophia in because it seemed like there were three doors.
Drake ran around to the driver’s seat and whisked them away. Vaguely Sophia noticed they weren’t headed towards Ashley’s house. But mostly she was looking up through the moon roof and counting stars.
“Oh shit. I think he’s taking us to Sophia’s house. We’re so fucking busted,” Lydia said.
“I’m not. Luckily I’ve had the good sense not to get involved with a SEAL.” Ashley sat calmly re-applying her lipstick.
“Lydia, I think you might be getting a black eye,” Beth said. That woke Sophia up out of her stupor. She peered at Lydia. Both of the Lydia’s in her vision definitely had a swollen eye.
“Ya shad ice,” Sophia said helpfully. All of the girls giggled.
“Are you feeling carsick?” Ashley asked.
“Nope. Feels floaty.”
Lydia depressed a button and the glass that separated the driver from the passengers slid down.
“Drake, why are we headed to Sophia’s house?”
“I’ve called your keepers.”
“Y’all need keepers, and I’ve called them. They’re meeting us there. Ashley, I’ve called in some extras, so be fucking thankful. If I hadn’t you’d be over my knee.”
“As if.”
“Exactly.” The glass slid up.
Ashley pulled her mascara out of her purse and started applying it. “What did he mean by extras?
“Holy shit. I think we might have problems.”
“I think you shouldn’t do any of the talking,” Lydia said. Beth slid her hand under her armpit.
“I think ya bose needs ice.”
“You’re right Lydia she can’t talk,” Beth agreed.
“What did Drake mean about extras?” Ashley asked again. The limo pulled to a stop. The door opened, and there was Mason. He looked worried.
“Come here, baby.” He tugged at Sophia’s hand, and she teetered as she got up to go over to him. He scooped her out of the car and carried her up the walkway into the house.
“I love it when you carry me.”
“Fuck Lydia, you’re hurt!”
“It’s nothing.” Sophia looked over Mason’s shoulder, and she saw Clint carrying Lydia followed by Jack carrying Beth. In the rear, Drake had Ashley in a fireman’s hold, but he had his suit coat over her so her butt was sufficiently covered.
“Are they all right?” Sophia looked up and saw Darius, the SEAL team medic, holding the front door of her home open. Mason sat on the couch with her in his lap.
“Dare, can you get some ice for Lydia?”
“Ah shit. Lydia, what happened?” Darius asked as he headed towards the kitchen. Sophia saw Finn standing next to the fireplace. He looked amused, at least until Drake walked up to him and handed Ashley to him.
“She’s yours, buddy. If I have to deal with her anymore tonight...well, suffice it to say, it won’t end well.”
“Drake, face it. You’re not used to dealing with a female version of yourself,” Ashley said as Finn set her beside him. “I bet when you were my age you probably danced on the bar tops or the male equivalent.”
Finn laughed. “I think she might have you there.”
“What do you mean at your age? I’m not that much older than you,” Drake protested.
“You’re so old you forgot what fun is.”
A shrill whistle pierced the room, and Sophia groaned.
“Sorry, honey. Drake. Ashley. Cut it out. Drake, I want a report,” Mason demanded.
“Somebody laid hands on Sophia. I was dealing with this one.” Drake jerked his thumb towards Ashley. “She was dancing on top of the bar, so I was across the room. Sophia was with Beth at the time. Beth laid the guy out with a straight arm punch to the throat. It was the last thing I saw as I made my way over because the crowd was in my way.”
“Beth?” Finn questioned.
“Beth?” Mason asked.
“Beth? Are you sure it wasn’t Lydia?” Darius queried Drake.
“My hand hurts, Jack,” Beth whispered to her fiancé.
“Let me see.” Jack pulled Beth’s hand out from under her purse where she had been hiding it. “Dammit Beth, you’re supposed to use the heel of your hand. Dare, can you bring more ice.” Jack kissed her knuckles.
“I’ve been taking self-defense classes,” she explained to all of the amazed men.
“They’re paying off, slugger.” Drake laughed.
“I wan self daffy classes,” Sophia said to Mason. Mason shook his head.
“How much did you have to drink, honey?” he asked, tilting her chin up so he could brush her hair away from her face.
“Jus some pine juice. Was soooo good.”
“Pineapple martinis,” Lydia explained.
“Don’t think you’re getting off the hook. How in the hell did you get a black eye?” Clint demanded.
“Trust me, between Beth and I, the guy is still on the floor,” Lydia explained. She tried to straighten up in his lap, but he held her tight in his arms.
“Drake, what the hell were you even doing out with the girls tonight?” Clint asked. “I thought this was the bachelorette party.”
“It was. And aren’t you thankful I was there? Otherwise, your fiancés, Rocky, Beyoncé, and Miss Tipsy would all be in jail.”
“I’m taking Rocky home.”
“I’m taking my fiancé home and getting her a steak to put on this eye.”
“A steak?” Lydia shuddered. “Why would I want to put meat on my eye?”
“It’s an American custom.”
“It’s barbaric.” Clint easily stood up with her still in his arms. Sophia smiled at the strength it took to do that. She loved knowing Mason could do it as well. Then she frowned, remembering his shoulder wound.
“Why the frown?” he whispered into her ear. “Are you hurt?”
“Nos, I’m fine.”
“I’m taking Ashley home,” Finn said. “I think you two need a time-out.” Sophia watched as everyone left their home and soon it was quiet.
“Where’s Billy?”
“He’s over at Todd’s house again. If he hadn’t been, we would have done this at Clint’s house.” Sophia nodded. Mason stood up with her in his arms.
“Mason,” she protested. “Yous shoulder.”
“I’m putting you to bed. Then I’m bringing you two bottles of water and some aspirin, which I expect you to take and drink before going to sleep. Do you hear me?”
“Yes, lieutenant.”
“Good girl.”
Sophia nuzzled his neck. What was it about being called a good girl that got her motor running?
“Sleep for you.”
“Yes, lieutenant.”
Chapter Five
“I need you.”
Mason woke up, he heard the last few words spoken by Sophia. He didn’t wake her up immediately. She hadn’t had nightmares like this since her attack two years ago, and now this was the fourth or fifth time he had caught her thrashing around. He knew the reason for the dreams now. It was since he had come home wounded.
This time, she was talking in her sleep, and he wanted to hear what she had to say.
“Please. Please let me tell you. Please. No. Don’t go. I love you.” She started to cry. Oh God, she was imagining him dying. It was breaking his heart.
“Sophia, wake up. Honey. You’re having a bad dream.”
“You had a bad dream. Can you tell me about it?”
Sophia shuddered. “Mason, can you just hold me,” her voice broke.
“I am, baby.”
“Tighter.” He gathered her closer, pressing his cheek against her damp hair. For long moments, they stayed like that until finally she calmed.
“Can you tell me about the dream?”
“I really don’t remember it. I just remember the feelings. I woke up feeling so sad like I was reaching for something I had lost. I’ve woken up a few times like that lately.”
“You haven’t lost anything, I’m here.” She looked at him. In the moonlight, he could see her beautiful green eyes.
“I thank God for you every day. Do you know that, Mason? Do you really know that? I worry I don’t tell you enough how much I love you and what a good man you are.” Mason felt a lump forming in his throat.
“Sophia, even when you aren’t saying the words you’re telling me. Your love shines through.”
“But it’s not enough. I need to tell you.”
“And you are.” She snuggled closer, and he felt her breathing begin to change. She fell asleep in his arms. He wished sleep would come as easily for him. He scooched them down so they were resting on the pillows and she sighed in pleasure.
He mulled over everything that had gone on since he had been home. Sophia hadn’t said anything about his injury, seeming to take it in stride, but it was obviously weighing heavy on her mind. His captain, Larry Osterman, had been talking to him about taking a position in command. He could help straighten out all of the fuck-ups with the intel. Mason immedi
ately rejected the idea. He knew his real strength was in leading a team in the field. What’s more, Osterman was kicking ass and taking names. Mason knew he would get things straightened out. Still... Was this something that would ease Sophia’s mind?
Sophia cuddled closer, it was clear she wasn’t going to have any more nightmares, but Mason wasn’t going to get any sleep that night.
Sophia watched Billy plan for the ‘bachelor party.' It was perfect. Every single day Mason made her fall in love with him a little bit more. Billy worried to death how to come up with something since he was the best man. He took his duties seriously, and he had been working on the toast for over a month. But the bachelor party had him tied in knots.
She’d mentioned it to Mason and the next thing she knew Billy had come back from Lacrosse practice with a plan. Finn Crandall was Billy’s coach, and she knew he helped her brother come up with the plan. Billy, Mason, and all the groomsmen were going to go surfing and spend most of the night at the beach. It was perfect.
“Sophia, Finn told me all of the team were older now, and they were done with all of the partying. They aren’t like Ashley.”
Sophia winced.
“How’d you hear about Ashley?”
“For God’s sake, as soon as I saw Lydia with a black eye she spilled the beans. Did Ashley really dance on top of the bar? Drake really let her do that?” Billy’s eyes were wide as saucers. He might be taller than she was but he was only fourteen.
Sophia sighed. “Yes, she did.”
“I would have given anything to be there. I wanted to make sure it was true before I told Todd.”
“I’m begging you, please don’t tell your friends. They’ll see her around the house, and I really don’t want them thinking bad about her.”
“Are you kidding?! They’ll think she is the coolest woman in the world,” Billy enthused. He went to the fridge and pulled out the fixings for a sandwich. Sophia watched in amazement as he piled on enough meat to feed a small army. Or at least, a SEAL team.
“Why don’t you make two sandwiches instead?”
“I’m watching my carb intake.” Sophia shook her head.
“I don’t want to get slow on the field. I’m saving all the carbs for the cookies you baked.”