A SEAL's Vigilant Heart (Midnight Delta Book 8) Read online

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  “Who’s been helping you when I wasn’t around? Drake? I swear that man has had a secret crush on you for years.”

  “Nah, it was Clint. You’re going to have to break it to Lydia that he’s probably going to end up leaving her because of his unrequited love for me.” He threw his arm around Sophia, glad she was willing to banter instead of obsessing about his injury. He’d been worried about nothing. Now he could focus on the important thing—making love to the woman who owned his heart.

  When they were finally naked on their bed, she kissed him on top of the large bandage on his shoulder.

  “How many stitches, Mason?”

  “About the same amount you had when you were attacked.”

  “Then should we be doing this? You could end up pulling them out. Maybe you need to rest.” He was kneeling in front of her. He pulled her hand to the front of his thighs so she could caress his throbbing cock.

  “I would end up far more injured if I weren’t allowed to make love to you tonight. You’re my compass. Anytime I get lost or something goes wrong all I have to do is think about my Sophia, and I know where I am supposed to be. My place is with you.”

  Mason cupped her cheek.

  “Tonight I need to touch you.”

  He kissed the side of her lips.

  “I need to kiss you.”

  He stroked downwards until he was cupping her breast, his thumb lazily brushed forays around her nipple.

  “I need to caress you.”

  Mason smiled as Sophia moaned in pleasure. Then he groaned, as she shifted her hand and began to stroke up and down, measuring his need.

  “I need to caress you too, Mason.”

  She bent forward and licked one flat nipple, and he shuddered in response.

  “I need to kiss you.”

  He pulled her hand away from his erection, knowing he wouldn’t last if she continued to caress him. He drew both of her arms up so they twined around his neck, and gave her the kiss they both needed. A butterfly soft brush of lips, teasing and tantalizing until they both opened and sighed. The kiss morphed into a languid play of tongues, seducing and loving. For long minutes they pressed closer and closer together, their mouths gently gliding in a passionate mating confirming they were once again back together.

  Sophia whimpered, and Mason tasted salt.

  “Baby, what is it? What’s wrong?”

  “It’s too much.” Her nails bit into his neck, and her nipples were pebbled against his chest. He’d been so intent on not rushing her, on holding back his own passion so she could have the time and gentleness he thought she needed, that he hadn’t realized she was as hungry as he was.

  Mason eased her down onto their bed. His fingers slid into the silk of her hair, spreading it across the pillow, loving the way the golden strands contrasted against the blue colored cotton. She grasped his short hair so he was forced to look at her.

  “Play later, I need you now,” she said in a voice hoarse with want. In all of their time together, he’d never seen this level of intensity.


  “I could have lost you,” her voice broke, and her eyes slammed shut. She bit her lip and swallowed. When she opened them again, they were bright with unshed tears. “Please don’t make me beg, Mason.”

  “Never, baby. Never.” He shifted, and found a welcome between her already spread thighs. “I need this as badly as you do.” He began the slow slide into her body, she was soft, silky, and responsive. It felt like he was truly coming home.

  “So good,” she murmured as she lifted her knees and clutched him. “All the way Mason, don’t hold back.”

  Finally, they were as close as two people could be, and he groaned with satisfaction. “You’re perfect, Sophia.”

  “You’re my Mason. My white knight. You’re the one who’s perfect.” His heart went into overdrive. He wanted to be that for her. He needed to be that for her. Then all higher thought went out the window as she clenched around him.

  “Again, baby. Do it again.” She gave him a sultry smile.

  He pushed in, and she cried out, her neck arched as she clenched again. They continued the dance, pleasuring one another, higher and higher.

  “More, Mason,” she gasped. He lowered his head and licked her nipple. She began to pant. She raised her legs and locked her ankles around his hips. He began the final drive, taking them upwards.

  He looked into the emerald depths of her eyes and saw his past, his future, his forever and knew no matter what, she was the only thing in the world that truly mattered.

  “I love you, Sophia,” he cried. They crashed into heaven together.


  Lying in Mason’s arms, having him stroke her hair was almost, almost, as good as making love with him. She pressed her ear against his chest and listened to the beat of his heart.

  “So what did you do while I was gone?”

  “I–” His stomach rumbled loudly, and she peeked at him through her lashes.

  “Ignore it, I want to hear about the last ten days.”

  “I have lasagna warming in the oven.”

  “We’ll eat later. I’ve missed you. I want to hear every detail of how you spent your time. I know you were planning on some girl time with Rebecca, did you get to do that?” She loved he remembered what she had told him and was genuinely interested in her life.

  “We went out to–”

  His stomach growled even louder.

  “Did I tell you I have vanilla ice cream and homemade brownies for dessert?” He pushed her off his chest, and she went sprawling in a heap of giggles.

  “To hell with the lasagna, I’m having dessert first, then dinner, then dessert again.” He gave her butt a swat, and she laughed even harder.

  She stayed in bed and enjoyed the view as he pulled on a pair of jeans. God, the man had the best ass in the entire Universe. She was going to have to take a bite when they got back in bed. He looked at her over his shoulder.

  “Quit ogling and come into the kitchen with me. I don’t want to eat alone. I’ve missed you too much.”

  Her heart melted. She got out of bed and pulled on the shirt he had been wearing. She loved wearing his shirts. She had worn one every night while he was gone. He grabbed her hand, and they walked to the kitchen.

  “Milk or ice cream with your brownies?” she asked.

  He was right behind her with his chin propped on her shoulder. “What are you having?”


  “Then I’ll have milk to begin with. I’ll have a brownie sundae after dinner.”

  “Well, you’ll be eating that by yourself.”

  “I bet I can tempt you into taking a bite.” He probably could. He was very good at tempting her into things.

  She got the milk, and he got the glasses. When she went to sit down, he coaxed her into sitting on his lap.

  “God Sophia, you are the world’s best baker. How is the business going? How’s the diner?”

  “Busy,” she said with a deep sigh. “I’m still bummed about Irene quitting. She was doing so well. But this new girl Corrine is getting the hang of things quickly. I already gave her a small raise so she would be incented to stay.”

  “Can you afford it?” He broke off a piece of his brownie and offered it to her. She stared into his deep blue eyes, took the milk chocolate treat, and then sucked his fingers into her mouth.

  “Sophia,” he breathed.

  “Yes. Yes, I can.”

  “What?” he asked in a dazed voice.

  “Yes, I can afford to give her a raise.” She smiled.

  “Good God woman, how can you multi-task like that? You start in with that licking thing, and I can’t keep up with a conversation. So things are going that well with the business?”

  “Mason, I had to turn down two stores because I wouldn’t be able to keep up the level of service and quality people have come to expect. They said they would up the amount they’d be willing to pay, and they’ll wait for us. One of the store
owners asked to have lunch with me. She is part of a Women in Business Network she’d like me to join.” Sophia still couldn’t believe it. She never would have thought of herself as a businesswoman.

  “That’s great, honey.”

  The brownies were gone. She got up to get the lasagna out of the oven.

  As they ate their meal, Sophia regaled Mason with Frannie’s bridesmaid dress debacle.

  “I don’t understand. The dresses aren’t going to match?” he asked as he scooped his third helping of pasta.

  “No, they’re all navy colored, but the styles will be different to flatter the figure of the woman or girl wearing it. What will look good on Ashley won’t necessarily look appropriate for Rebecca.”

  “Makes sense. So tell me what your dress looks like,” Mason asked innocently.

  “Oh, I got a red one. It’s really pretty. It’ll look great for our wedding photos. I especially like the sequins.”

  “There was a time, Miss Anderson when you weren’t such a smart ass.” Mason grinned at her.

  “It must be the company I keep. If you’re a good boy, after your dessert you’ll get an even better dessert. But if you keep asking sneaky questions I might be too tired.”

  “You’ve convinced me, no more sneaky questions. Stay put and I’ll clean up and get the ice cream.” He brushed a kiss on the top of her head as he cleared the table. She saw him wince as he used his right hand but she chose to ignore it. Tonight was a celebration. This was a time for them to enjoy the moment not for her to focus on what might have been.

  Chapter Four

  “So what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong?” Mason was thoroughly sick of this line of questioning. Drake had been at it for ten minutes, and he could have stopped eight minutes ago as far as he was concerned.

  “Would you back off already?” Clint bent to pick up one of the basketballs and place it on the rack at the side of the court. “Let the man be, he just got his stitches out and finally got to really exercise. Maybe he’s feeling his age.”

  “No, that’s not it,” Drake said eyeing Mason thoughtfully. “He’s been off for a week now. He hasn’t acted all commander-ish.”

  “Well, I am now Avery. Shut the fuck up. There is nothing wrong.” Mason winced. He didn’t sound authoritative, he sounded desperate.

  “Ah-Ha. I knew it. Spill it.”

  “Maybe I’m just upset Finn missed the last basket,” Mason said glancing over at his teammate. Finn shook his head.

  “Don’t try and blame me. I’m with Drake. I wasn’t going to call you on it. But now you’re dragging my name through the mud...”

  “Okay, it’s the girl’s bachelorette party,” Mason lied. “I’m worried. Lydia was supposed to be the one planning it since she’s the maid of honor, but Ashley has taken over, and she’s scary.”

  Darius did a double take.

  “Ashley? And Sophia is going for it?”

  “I actually think Sophia is kind of excited. Even when she went to the community college, she was kind of sheltered because she had to go home most nights to take care of her mother.”

  “Lord save us,” Drake said. They headed out of the gymnasium into the bright California sunshine. “Why isn’t she doing like you are and having a PG bachelorette party since Rebecca is one of the bridesmaids.”

  “Because they’re having a bridal shower and that will include Rebecca. The bachelorette party is for the adults, and like I said, Ashley took over,” Mason groaned. The more he talked about it, the more he realized he was concerned. But not as concerned as he was about Sophia’s trouble sleeping. Still, this wasn’t something he felt comfortable talking about with the guys.

  “I think I have an idea,” Drake said.

  “God save us,” Darius groaned.

  “Seriously, Drake, you don’t need to help,” Mason backpedaled. The last thing he needed was Drake Avery to insert himself.

  “No seriously, it’s a good plan.”

  “Okay, tell us,” Finn prodded.

  “It’s still in its infancy. Let me do a little bit more planning.”

  “Oh God, save us,” Finn groaned.

  “Here, here,” Darius seconded. Mason clasped his head in his hands. This did not bode well.


  Sophia, Beth, and Lydia were still slightly stunned as they sat in Ashley’s bedroom. She had moved out of the home she had shared with Sophia’s father. Now she was living in a gated community in a ritzy suburb of San Diego not far from her parent’s home. What had the three women so amazed was the built-in lit make-up area that looked like something you would see backstage in a theater dressing room. Currently, Ashley was applying her make-up.

  “Close your mouths, girls. Beth, you’re next.”

  “I couldn’t possibly.”

  “Not only am I doing your make-up but I've also picked outfits for each of you.”

  “I’m happy with what I’m wearing,” Lydia said decisively. “And there isn’t a chance in hell you’re doing my make-up.”

  “Lydia, I love you to pieces, but hon, you only have on eyeliner, lipstick, and mascara. I’ve never seen you wear anything else. Do you even know how to apply more makeup?” Sophia watched as Lydia squirmed.

  “Seriously, girls. Don’t you want to learn how to apply makeup?”

  “I would,” Beth said shyly.

  “That’s why you’re next.”

  “I’m satisfied with what I have.” Lydia was resolute.

  “Fine. But I’ve arranged for someone to come in to do hair and make-up for Sophia’s wedding. Frannie and Margie are thrilled, and you’ll have to suck it up.”

  “I–” Lydia started to protest.

  “That better be the sound of you sucking,” Ashley said.

  “That’s gross.” Sophia felt like she was watching a tennis game between two evenly matched players.

  “Lydia, are you trying to tell me my makeup doesn’t look good?” Ashley demanded.

  Sophia knew her friend had won. “No,” was Lydia’s soft reply. Ashley took out some wipes and cleaned her face.

  “Voila, a blank canvass. This is really simple, and it doesn’t take much.”

  Sophia went over to watch, with Beth and Lydia following. Ashley was right, she really didn’t apply a lot, and the transformation was subtle but amazing. She got up and pushed Beth into the chair. Soon Beth’s big black eyes were even bigger and sparkled like gems.


  “Okay. But I’m not changing outfits.”

  In the end, all four girls were wearing cute dresses from Ashley’s closet, their eyes sparkled, and their lips were plump and shiny.

  “Now we are going to the cutest little place for dinner. It’s in the Gaslamp Quarter, and the waiters are big ole flirts. They pour the best martinis. You’ll love it.”

  “I’m not drinking I’m the designated driver,” Lydia said.

  “Girl, you’re getting on my last nerve.” Ashley rolled her eyes. “I have you covered. I’ve arranged for a limo tonight. He’s even going to drive you home. He has a partner who will drive your car home behind us. It’s all good.”

  Sophia was amazed. To think this girl had been under her father’s thumb and afraid to leave him. As if she read her mind, Ashley looked at her and winked.

  “I’ve definitely come into my own. Tonight I intend to really enjoy myself.”

  “Well, I draw the line at a strip club.”

  “Eww. I don’t want some man wagging his thing at me in public either,” Ashley said. Sophia breathed a sigh of relief. “We are however going to a bar I know where they have karaoke and dancing.”

  “I don’t sing,” Lydia said.

  “That’s not true. Now you’re being stubborn. You need to pull the stick out of your butt,” Beth said to her sister. Sophia and Ashley laughed. Sophia never would have expected Beth to have said that to her sister.

  “Okay, maybe I do sing,” Lydia relented. “But I’m going to need one or two of tho
se martinis.”

  Ashley’s phone beeped. “The limo is here. Let’s get a move on.”

  “Give me your phone,” Sophia requested. “I want to see pictures of Louisa.” Ashley handed over the phone as they headed downstairs. Sophia thumbed through the pictures.

  “I can’t believe how big she’s getting.”

  “She’s beautiful like her sister, Sophia.” Ashley threw her arm around Sophia’s shoulder.

  “I think she’s beautiful like her mother. Look at those dimples.” Ashley smiled and flashed a set that matched her daughter’s.

  “Marrying your father was both the worst thing and the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  “I totally get that,” Lydia said. “Being kidnapped meant I ended up with Clint, and it was both the worst thing and the best thing.” Ashley held out her fist, and Lydia bumped hers against it.

  They got outside and saw the limo waiting in the street. In unison, they stared in disbelief.

  “Your chariot awaits, ladies.”

  “You’ve got to be shitting me,” Ashley said to Drake.

  “What?” he said innocently. “Your driver got sick, and I volunteered to take his place.”

  Sophia stifled a giggle as she saw Ashley’s outraged face.

  “This is totally unacceptable.” She pulled her cell phone out of her tiny little purse and started to dial. Drake walked over and casually pulled the phone out of her hands.

  “Hey, you can’t do that.”

  “I just did.”

  “Seriously Drake, this is Sophia’s bachelorette party, and you are not going to wet blanket it.”

  “I’m not, I promise. Hell, I’m going to help you up on to the bar top if you want to dance there. I swear. I’m just going to make sure nobody takes advantage of four beautiful women.”

  “I can take care of them. I’m taking them to safe places. I’m not stupid.”

  “Nobody said you were stupid, but men are going to be crawling out of the woodwork when they get a load of the four of you. Did you do makeovers?” Sophia felt her cheeks heating as Drake took in her outfit. She watched as Beth took a step behind Lydia.