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Her Passionate Hero (Black Dawn Book 3) Page 21

  She bit her lip. He picked up the end of her braid and undid the rubber band. He started to unwind her hair. “Same thing happens to me, Chaquita. I start to say something, then I look into your blue eyes, or I see your hair, or I look at your breasts, and I have trouble remembering my own name.”

  “You do?” He spread her hair out so that it covered both of them.

  “Oh yeah. You leave me tongue tied quite often, Ms. Novak. Now I want to make sure we’re on the same page,” he began.

  “Now I remember what I was going to say.” Aliana bit her fingernails into the resilient muscles of his chest. She was rewarded when he sucked in a deep breath of air. She felt his body go hard. She was so glad she was wearing yoga gear, it allowed for so much more tactile stimulation than jeans.

  “What? What were you going to say?”

  “You are not rushing me. I want this. I want you.” She saw him hesitate. “Goddammit, Hunter. One girl in college had this poster that said, ‘She wasn’t looking for a knight, she was looking for a sword.’ Dammit, I want both! And I want them now!”

  He did an ab crunch while laughing and hugging her tight.

  “God, I’m in love with you Aliana. I’ve loved you all of my life it seems, but over the last two months I have totally, ass over teakettle, fallen in love with you.”

  “Does that mean this virgin gets her sword?”

  He pulled her legs apart and centered her heat above the crotch of his jeans. His brown eyes glittered with desire. “What do you think?”

  She saw him consider asking her one more time. She guessed that was what made him a knight. Well, she had an idea on how to fix that. Aliana reached down and pulled off her loose over shirt and cotton sports bra in one swift move. Hunter shut his mouth, then a slow smile showed off the creases in his cheeks.


  His Alia’s breasts were beautiful, but by far, it was the radiance in her eyes that held him spellbound. He searched her blue eyes for any hint of hesitancy, but all he found was delight in the moment. It was finally their time.

  He wrapped his arm tighter around her waist and tilted her chin up for another kiss. Something sweeter this time, something that could have been a kiss shared between teenagers on a swing set. He savored her pretty pink mouth and licked her full bottom lip until she opened up and invited him in to weave his tongue with hers.

  Aliana squirmed against him, her body telling him she needed more. God knows, his body was telling him the same damn thing. But this wasn’t about him, this was all about her. He moved his hand down her throat, touching a chain. He traced it downwards to where it rested between her breasts and felt the warm medallion between his fingers. Hunter lifted his mouth and looked down.

  “You kept it?”

  “I’ve never taken it off. Well, except to get a longer chain, or when the chain broke once.”

  “You undo me, Alia.”

  “You came for me when I needed you, Hunter.”

  She cupped his hand in both of hers and broke his grip on the medal. She then brought it up to encompass her breast. “Ah God, it feels so much better than I ever imagined.” He heard the catch in her voice.

  He tried to look up into her eyes, but he couldn’t. Not this time, he was entranced by the silken beauty he held. He circled one delicate tip with his thumb, and she moaned as her nipple pebbled. He brought his other hand around so he could cup both breasts and continued on with the intimate caresses. She thrust herself harder into his hold, her breath sawing in and out, and she was trembling. His gaze shot to her face, her eyes were closed, and she was smiling.


  “I’m here, mi Amor. Are you ready for more?”

  Her eyes opened, and they glittered with delight. “I’m ready for everything.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. He turned them over, so she was lying on the bed, then he got up and took off his shirt. No other woman had made him feel more desired than this moment with his Alia. He hesitated with his belt.

  “Off. We can’t do this with your clothes still on.”

  “We have time,” he said as he put a knee on the bed. Aliana sat up and startled him when she stroked his cock through the front of his jeans.

  “I said take the jeans off, Boy.”

  Shit, she was doing her Ms. Novak voice. He grinned. He took off his belt and unbuttoned his jeans.

  “You don’t wear underwear?”

  “Well, sometimes I do. I was in a hurry to get over here.” He sat down on the side of the bed and got rid of his boots and socks. He pulled out his wallet and grabbed the condoms, leaving them on the nightstand.

  He watched as she swallowed. A little of her bravado had deserted her.

  “Aliana, are―”

  With horror, he saw her eyes well up with tears.

  “Dammit, Hunter, no teasing, no talk about swords, no nothing. This is the truth, okay?”

  She had her hands clenched into fists, digging into the bedspread as she leaned forward. She was glaring at him. What had he done?

  “Okay, Aliana, what’s the truth?”

  “You’re the breath I breathe. You absolutely are, Hunter. Now can I live without you? Absolutely. I can live in the dark, somewhere near hell. I’ve done it for years. But I don’t want to. I want to live in the light with you. Reaching for my dream scares the hell out of me, but I’ve finally realized it’s better to reach for the dream and lose it, then to have never reached for it at all.” She let go of the comforter and flung her arms around him. “So, Hunter, even if this lasts just for today, I’m going to be happy because you’re my everything. I love you more than you can ever imagine.”

  He sat there stunned. Here he was, Hunter Diaz, the boy who ate out of dumpsters, and he had a woman who said he was her dream. He had trouble focusing as tears clouded his vision. He needed to hug this woman. Kiss this woman. Love this woman.

  This time when he bared her thigh, there was no shame, his Alia knew the truth, there was nothing about her that he didn’t adore. But as other parts of her body came into view, his woman was shy. He wrapped her close to him, and she buried her head into his chest.

  “I can’t believe I’m blushing,” she grumbled.

  Hunter laughed.

  “And now I can’t believe you’re laughing.”

  “Cariña, be happy I chose laughter.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I could be drooling. My God, you’re gorgeous.” Hunter slid his hand all the way from her shoulder, down the sleek line of her back to cup her ass. She arched into his caress, pushing them closer together. Her color was still high, but Hunter was pretty sure it was from excitement. He parted her leg so he could slide his in between hers. Without any coaxing, she slid her core against his thigh.

  “That feels so good.”

  He lowered his head and took a pink nipple into his mouth, loving her gasp of pleasure as he worried the tip with his lips and tongue. He plucked the other tip with his fingers.


  He increased his efforts, and she moaned his name.

  Hunter kept his hand on her breast, and kissed his way down her torso, along the line of her tummy, until he could get to the heart of her. Aliana resisted when he tried to coax her legs apart until he started licking her scars. It seemed that knowing she had his entire acceptance, unlocked all aspects of her.

  He was fascinated by the silky golden curls that barely covered her glistening, pink folds. She was exquisite. Hunter breathed in her spicy, sweet scent and covered her with his mouth. No gasp this time. No moan. She let out a wail of pleasure as he continued to torture her. He wanted this rare moment in time to be something she could treasure.

  Her liquid response made it easy for him to magnify her pleasure by slowly inching one finger inside her fiery depths. She slammed her hips upwards, silently begging for more. Hunter kept going at a pace he felt she could handle until finally he redoubled his presence inside her and spread her silken channel. Sweat dotted
his forehead. He thought his cock was going to pound its way through the bed and drill a hole to China. He needed to go slow.

  “Hunter, I need more. Harder or slower. Faster or Softer. Something. I need something.”

  Glad she straightened that out. Hunter continued to curl his tongue around her clit, around and around, while his fingers sought and found that spot inside her body that made her jolt.

  “Yes. Hunter, I like that. I like that a lot.”

  He grinned right before he sucked her engorged flesh into his mouth, and laved it over and over again with his tongue, doing it in time with the internal caresses.

  Aliana, finding pleasure, was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard in his life.


  Hunter was holding her in his arms. He was always holding her. He kissed her temple.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “I got that.”

  She pushed up on her elbows. “You’re really good at that.”

  Apprehension flashed across Hunter’s face. “Hey, I didn’t mean that in a bad way. That was nothing but pure compliment.”

  He relaxed and dimples appeared. She slid her hand down his torso to tentatively touch his penis. As soon as she did, she smiled. He felt so good, smooth heat, over strength. She curled her hand around him and stroked.

  “Honey, you keep that up and we’re never going to get you your sword.”


  He pulled her hands away from his cock and grabbed a condom off the nightstand.

  “Can I put it on you?”

  “Maybe next time. Or sometime next week. For now, I’m taking care of it so I can take care of you.”

  Aliana tried to be sneaky about it, but she took a couple of calming breaths. She knew this was going to hurt. Hunter, God love him, was not built on the small side. She rested back down on the pillows.

  White teeth gleamed in the afternoon light. “Cariña, I have you. It’s going to be fine.”

  “I know,” she lied.

  “We’re not doing anything until I’ve had at least five kisses.” His fingers trailed down from her breast to the indent at her waist, toying with the tips of her hair.

  “Five kisses? I don’t understand.”

  “You will.” His head lowered, and he kissed the tip of her nose. Aliana giggle snorted. Then because that was so funny, she ended up doing it again. Hunter laughed right along with her.

  “That was number one.” He then swept back her hair and kissed her right behind her left ear. She felt it in every part of her body. As he moved, he accidentally blew warm air into her ear. She shivered.

  “That was number two.” Hunter slid his hand down the length of her arm and entwined their fingers. He brought her hand to his mouth and brushed the softest kiss to the back of her knuckles, just like a Knight of Olde. “That’s three.”

  He looked deep into her eyes, and then melded their lips together, in a sublime moment where the world fell away. Finally, he pulled away. “That’s four.”

  He pushed downward, parted her legs, and found her patchwork quilt of cuts, kissing along every slice. Aliana didn’t even realize she was crying until she tasted her tears. “That’s five,” he whispered.

  “Be part of me,” she begged.

  “I already am, mi Amor, I already am,” he said as he pushed his cock slowly inside of her.

  If there was pain, she never realized it. How could so much heat and power be so gentle? She wrapped her arms and legs around Hunter as she tilted her body upwards to meet his tender thrusts.

  “Are you okay?”

  “You have to ask?”

  She looked into his warm brown eyes and saw his love and concern. Her body melted even more. Drawing him in even deeper.

  He kissed her, and she felt her world shift.

  They moved as one. Their eyes open, they fell into one another’s arms, hearts and souls. Aliana had been to hell, and now, she had found heaven in the arms of a knight. They soared into bliss together.



  Caitlyn O’Leary is an avid reader and considers herself a fan first and an author second. She reads a wide variety of genres, but finds herself going back to happily-ever-afters. Getting a chance to write, after years in corporate America is a dream come true. She hopes her stories provide the kind of entertainment and escape she has found from some of her favorite authors.

  Keep up with Caitlyn O’Leary:


  Twitter: @CaitlynOLearyNA







  Books by Caitlyn O’Leary

  The Found Series

  Revealed, Book One

  Forsaken, Book Two

  Healed, Book Three

  Midnight Delta Series

  Her Vigilant SEAL, Book One

  Her Loyal SEAL, Book Two

  Her Adoring SEAL, Book Three

  Sealed with a Kiss, A Midnight Delta Novella, Book Four

  Her Daring SEAL, Book Five

  Her Fierce SEAL, Book Six

  Protecting Hope, Book Seven (Seal of Protection & Midnight Delta

  Crossover Novel; Susan Stoker KindleWorld)

  A SEAL’s Vigilant Heart, Book Eight

  Her Dominant SEAL, Book Nine

  Her Relentless SEAL, Book Ten

  Her Treasured SEAL, Book Eleven

  Black Dawn Series

  Her Steadfast Hero, Book One

  Her Devoted Hero, Book Two

  Her Passionate Hero, Book Three

  Shadow Alliance

  Declan, Book One

  Cooper’s Promise, Companion Novel (Omega Team and Shadow Alliance

  Crossover Novel; Desiree Holt KindleWorld)

  The Sisters Series

  Tempting Fire, Book One (Sisters Series and Dallas Fire

  & Rescue Crossover Novel; Paige Tyler KindleWorld)

  Fate Harbor Series Published by Siren/Bookstrand

  Trusting Chance, Book One

  Protecting Olivia, Book Two

  Claiming Kara, Book Three

  Isabella’s Submission, Book Four

  Cherishing Brianna, Book Five

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  Books by Caitlyn O’Leary